Friday, January 18, 2019

The hill known as Bukit Astakona

From Jorak we headed towards Pagoh and took a turn into a rural area.

We found a nursery leading to a hill of particular personal interest.

More than 11 years ago I wrote a piece called The hill I saw in a recent dream?. The title should be self explanatory enough. The dream left a huge impression on me that I started looking for the said hill. The clue given was it should be around the areas of  Jorak and/or Pagoh in Muar.

I've been looking at a number of places to find the hill that could match the dream.

This was attested by the following articles :-

However I found all the efforts wanting.

Running out of clues I decided to forget the matter...

But still over the years whenever I passed by Jorak or Pagoh I would look around and wonder where is the hill seen in that dream which happened end of 2007.

It was only at the end of 2018  I found a fresh lead.

Following that lead by a site visit to an old tomb in Jorak I found what seemed to be the most probable location for the hill.

And so there I was Sunday afternoon 13th January 2019 climbing this hill...

I was told it is known as Bukit (hill of) Astakona...

As I take in the views from on top I could feel yes... this is the one in the dream.

While it might not look exactly as in that dream - I've forgotten the details anyway - it sure feels right...'

Now I'm just waiting for inspiration and such to shed light what this really means...

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