Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Tomb of Syiah Kuala and surroundings

From the west we moved to the east of Banda Aceh where lies this tomb complex.

It houses the body of Sheikh Abdul Rauf Singkel, a major Aceh religious master who passed away over 300 years ago.

Known also as Syiah Kuala he was the highest religious authority and advisor to 4 female rules of Aceh (1641-1699).

Being of high saintly status he was also teacher to many religious masters who themselves became saints.

From the tomb complex we was passed through these surroundings...

Interestingly you can find many old tombstones which used to be submerged in water after Aceh got devasted by the Tsunami of 26th December 2004. 

For the record this is the 2,012th article in this blogspot.

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