Friday, October 11, 2019

Tomb of Iskandar Muda, Kandang Meuh and Kandang XII

Peace be upon you Friday morning. Starting the sharing for the 8th and final day of the Aceh and north Sumatera round trip 28th August till 4th September.

Wednesday morning 4th September 2019. After doing our Subuh (early morning) prayers at Masjid Raya (main mosque of) Baiturrahman at the centre of Banda Aceh we visited the Museum of Aceh. Besides it lies this area.

It houses this tomb said to belong to the great ruler of Aceh, Iskandar Muda (reigned 1607-1636 AD).

Within the same grounds like a burial area called Kandang Meuh.

It houses tombs of some Aceh rulers from the 18th century and later and family members...

Slightly further lies the tomb complex called Kandang XII.

It houses tombs of a number of Aceh rulers from the 16th century...

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