Monday, September 07, 2020

Approaching the top of Lata Kinjang

Peace be upon you all.  This is from 9 days ago.

Saturday 29th August 2020. While making a trip to the north me and family made a stop at this place near Chenderiang not far from Tapah, Perak.

It has a nice stream and series of waterfalls.

Welcome to the place called Lata Kinjang.

After some climbing you can reach this nice spot with an out of service suspension bridge.

That is where most people would climb the highest at this system of waterfalls. Me and a teenage son decided to climb up to its highest part.

To do that we have to take an inland route as the area around the waterfalls are too steep and dangerous.

However we soon came across a part that is very hard to climb. Despite its steepness we could have continued on if not because of thorny roots or sorts stopping our ascend.

So we decided to settle at this part quite near the top.

After some time we went down back to the parts under the suspended bridge.

A close up look showed we had climbed till a dark looking part on the right above the upper half of this picture.

That is perhaps only 20-30 feet below the top. Perhaps next time we will attempt another climb...

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