Thursday, December 30, 2021

Fine views from Bukit Tinggi after heavy rain

Peace be upon you. Recently me and family made a trip to the East Coast. Thus there are something to be shared beginning with this...

The trip officially started on Saturday afternoon 18th December 2021 when me and family left our house to get to Kuala Kubu Bahru then Tanjung Malim for a function. Late at night we took the Batang Kali-Genting Highlands route to get a friend's house in Bukit Tinggi. This and following pictures were taken from that house around 7.18 Sunday morning 19th December. Apart from the nice hillside views what I wanted to show was the condition...

For it has been raining profusely since Friday until early that morning.

Thus I was very thankful that the weather seemed quite clear that morning.

Little did I realise then that in many places elsewhere there where calamities and disasters...

However let me show that in other articles...

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