Sunday, August 28, 2022

Bukit Engku Busu part I - Starting the climb up

Continuing from Misty views from the Lumut ferry terminal jetty

After breakfast in town I drove to the feet of the hill called Bukit Engku Busu.

I wanted to climb it the day before but arrived late at almost 7 in the afternoon. If continued I could find difficulties in the dark.

But that did not deter me as much as the fact that arriving at the summit in the dark means the effort could be wasted as one could not savour the views from up there.

Bukit (hill of) Engku Busu is 334.4 metres or 1,087 feet tall from sea level, a height which could qualify it as a mountain albeit not a tall one.

The last time I climbed up a mountain above that height was at the Cameron Highlands in 2017. Look at the following articles :-

So this one should be relatively easy.

But still quite a challenge for a not so fit almost 52-year old person like me...

So there I was going up at a fairly decent pace for a middle-aged person who don't regularly climb mountains.

The route is pretty steep...

As long as one did not over exert himself and loose control of breathing leading to possibility of fainting, even a heart attack it should be alright to press on...

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