Sunday, September 25, 2022

On to Batu Dinding at Bukit Syamsul Bahrin

Continuing from A walk around the small town of Beruas.

The main reason I came to Beruas this time is to climb a hill called Bukit (hill of) Syamsul Bahrin.

I want to look for a place towards its summit which is known as the Batu Dinding - The Wall Stone.

Luckily I came across a local who knows the way.

It was just it was raining since 8am, at times rather heavy, at times light before I decided to just go through the rain at around 11.50, after almost 4 hours waiting.

And luckily also the gates to the path to the foothill was opened allowing me to take my car in a bit up the hill until came a point where I had to continue on the local's bike. Then after some more distance we have to continue by foot.

Despite it was still raining, albeit lightly, and the grounds were slippery we soon reached the lower parts of Batu Dinding.

We then climbed up to a rather steep part of the hill to reach the upper parts of the 'stone wall'.

There it is.

According to legend the Batu Dinding used to gave out light for travellers  to recognise their bearing from far away.

According to legend also there were ancient treasures hidden behind the stone. Here the local guide showed a part which had been dug up, perhaps by using explosive by some treasure hunters...

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