Saturday, February 17, 2024

Checking a path to the west from Sungai Buaya

Peace be upon you. Just on some small trekking did over a week ago.

Tuesday afternoon 6th February 2024 I felt like taking my small bike down to this industrial development path from my house in Sungai Buaya.

It is a short cut to to much older agricultural path that leads a few kilometres westwards.

I have walked down this path some 2-3 years ago from a different approach.

It is only up to a juncture that I could use the bike. Then I have to leave it because certain parts ahead were too muddy to continue by bike.

At least I could avoid the muddy parts by walking through bushes, something that which could not be done by bike.

About 2-3 minutes later I caught this part of a river which runs alongside the agricultural path.

If I remember correctly it was up to this point that I walked to some 2-3 years ago.

I did not walk further west as it was then going to be dark.

This time was the first time I have time and opportunity to continue walking further. The path turns northwards then back westwards towards Batang Berjuntai.

It was only when I found I could not get any further due to the foliage and such that I turned back towards the part of the river seen earlier...

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