Saturday, February 17, 2024

Taking a different approach to the summit of a hill east of Sungai Buaya

Continuing from Checking a path to the west from Sungai Buaya.

Five days later, Sunday morning around 10 am, 11th February 2024 I took the bike down another path, to the east from Sungai Buaya.

At first, going by what I saw on the satellite pictures in Google Map and Google Earth, I thought I could take the bike all the way closing to the summit of 170-metre high hill. As it turned out there are many parts of the path which is now blocked by growth.

Continuing on foot, I had trouble finding the path. For a small time got lost and almost gave up.

But I pressed on and found the path back...

Again and again I found the path blocked but still  pressed on.

And so I came across this opening...

But it seems I had veered off quite a distance from the intended summit of the hill.

I retraced my steps up to a certain distance then pushed upwards across this bushes.

Based on my location as pinpointed in the satellite picture on Google Map I soon found another path.

This time I could clearly see it could lead to the summit...

There, I have reached a part of the summit.

Looking around...

On to another part of the summit and looking around...

This should be the third time I got to the summit of this 170-metre high hill east of Sungai Buaya.

But previously I climbed up from a different approach and practically walked all the way from the closest accessible tarred road.

On to the eastern tip of the summit and looking around...

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