Thursday, November 19, 2009

An example of Maulud the Sufi way

While copying some files to an external hard-drive for back-up, I came across 2 old video recordings made at a function attended last year. This makes me want to share it here. It was a Maulud function, celebration of Prophet Muhammad SAW's excellent being done by members of the Naqshabandi-Haqqani Tariqat or Islamic spiritual path. Here it is...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From Kuala Besut on to Tok Bali...

Continued from Merdeka Day celebration in Kuala Besut!

The next day, Monday we had a quick tour of Kuala Besut...

The river Besut and its estuary (kuala in Malay) is what gives Kuala Besut its name...

Then I asked the kids to pose in front of its main mosque, the Masjid Jamhuriah...

Now it's time to leave quaint Kuala Besut...

Our next destination is Tok Bali which is already in Kelantan, 12 km or so from Kuala Besut, Terengganu's northermost town.

Like Kuala Besut, Tok Bali also has a wide river...

Too bad I don't know the name of the river. Tok Bali is located at the river's mouth...

A unique thing about Tok Bali is the bridge which goes up to some 20 metres high. I think...

It also has a nice beach and I find the tranquility almost unparalled compared to any other beach in Kelantan...

Merdeka Day celebration in Kuala Besut!

Continued from The mysterious looking Bukit Kluang in Besut ...

After we're done at Bukit Kluang, we went on to Kuala Besut and got a cheap motel room. As it turned out there were people converging at the main square just 200 metres away from motel...

That's when we realised it was Merdeka Day night...

When the clock struck 12, it would be 31 August 2009 marking 52 years of independence of Malaysia from colonial rule...

Here is how it was celebrated at this small town...

The fireworks made it all much better. Not bad! :]

The mysterious-looking Bukit Kluang in Kuala Besut, Terengganu

Continued from To Masjid Abidin, the white mosque with the kids...

After visiting a few more places in Kuala Terengganu we then head to Kuala Besut using the coastal route. That's when I felt like having a look again at Bukit Kluang, a rather mysterious looking hill en-route to Kuala Besut, about 100 km or so north of KT...

Since we left KT after 5 pm, we could only arrive here at dusk...

This is much better than the first time me and wife got here in January. Then, we arrived at 8 pm, also after visiting a number of places in KT but without spending the night there. The rather spooky atmosphere made my wife scared as she continously urged me to turn back. Furthermore parts of the road were inundated with water. It was actually flooding at some parts of Terengganu and Kelantan.
Still I pressed on out of wonder also curiosity. I only turned back at the end of the road of which I couldn't properly see because of the darkness. In this visit only I could make out what lies ahead... at this juncture a lot of sand and this river...

The river opens into the sea as we lie near the estuary. Another hill looms on the other side to complete the picture...

There's a rather pleasant beach with a good view of a major island off Terengganu, albeit the existence of strong tingling feeling that we were being watched by some invisible beings!

I decided to walk further up the beach...

It seems Bukit Kluang is built of limestones...

The hill stretches a few kilometres up north. Afterwards we went to the other end by turning back into the connecting road. That's when I saw seaside caves which made the hill more mysterious... and I had a long deja vu, having seen exactly what has transpired in the same low lighting after dusk. But that I would only feature in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU . Have a look there later...

To Masjid Abidin, the white mosque with the kids...

Enter the 404th article in this blogspot. I hope there won't be any 404 error... you know the one that happens when connection with the server fails. Continued from the article Back to Pulau Duyong and more views from the island...

So we have been to Pulau Duyong and back. In fact we've been to and fro so many places in and around Kuala Terengganu on that day alone, Saturday that when I checked using Google Earth it covers a whole distance of 85 km!

The next day only, Sunday, the day we wanted to head north back towards Kelantan, we decided to visit the nearby Masjid Abidin. While it is only 300 metres away from the hotel we stayed at in KT, I thought it's better to save this visit for the last...

So here is Masjid Abidin, also popularly known as Masjid Putih or the white mosque. If I'm not mistaken it was originally built as a palace before Sultan Zainal Abidin II who ruled Terengganu 1793-1808 turned it into a mosque. It has been renovated by later Sultans as the original wooden building was transformed into a large masonry work. That's how it became the beautiful mosque it is today...

Me and wife brought the kids to make them appreciate its art and beauty...

Just look at the call to prayer tower which has 7 levels...

Other parts of the mosque also contributed to the overall excellence...

Then there's the area within the compound which contains the Terengganu royal burial area...

Back to Pulau Duyong and more views from the island...

Continued from Up Bukit Puteri through the newly completed shopping complex at its foot...

From Bukit Puteri we went around the market area of Pasir Payang before taking the boat back to Pulau Duyong...

You see, we must get back to Pulau Duyong because we left our car there!

Still the boat was worth another ride. For the record the same one and only boat serves the route to and fro Pulau Duyong and Kuala Terengganu...

This is because there are not that many people commuting between the two places, unlike that between Seberang Takir and Kuala Terengganu which has at least 3 boats playing the route, one at every 20 minutes interval or so...

We soon arrived back at Pulau Duyong. For the record we had to wait more than an hour for the boat, after missing a previous ride by just a minute or two. Since we are back on the island, might as well go around some more to savour the view. This is one from another part of the island, with the famous Masjid Kristal or Crystal Mosque in the background.

If I remember correctly this mosque was built starting 2006 or so before it was opened last year...

It was built on the same island, Pulau Wan Man which also has a theme park built in-conjuction, called Taman Tamadun Islam, the Islamic Civilisational Park...

The park features downscaled replicas of some 20 famous mosque all around the world. It is a good place to bring kids to and that is what I intend to do later. Watch for a story about it in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU later... maybe tomorrow God willing.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Up Bukit Puteri through the newly completed shopping complex at its foot...

Continued from A boat ride across the river Terengganu from Pulau Duyong.

The jetty near Pasang Payang brings us straight to these spanking new shopping complex...

I have been to Kuala Terengganu many many times and have seen this premise being built over the last 2 years if I remember correctly. This is the first time I arrived after it was completed and opened to the public. While this is the first time my wife and kids stepped foot anywhere here ever...

The complex itself offers a superb view of the river Terengganu...

The new escalators help to cut the trip up Bukit Puteri, a popular hill picnic spot short...

Otherwise one would have to climb double, even thrice the amount of steps...

A view over the complex on to Pulau Duyong and Seberang Takir.

This part marks the first of a number of items which makes Bukit Puteri popular to the locals...

The kids forced to pose on the cannons. Yes, they might be tired from all the walking done so far, after all they were fasting and it was a very hot day. Never mind. I'd like them to appreciate the history behind Bukit Puteri. For here lies the main fort which protects Kuala Terengganu from outside invasions...

The command centre lies on top these steps...

One could see almost all of Kuala Terengganu city centre as one climbs up the steps...

Here we are entering the comand centre of the fort...

A look from one of the walls with an opening for setting up cannons...

Me and wife posing at the seat of command...

There's also this tower which should offer a much wider vista. Too bad the way up is closed and locked...

Anyway the view from the command centre, the highest point up Bukit Puteri should suffice. Soon it's time to head back across the waters...