Greetings dear readers. Having released some pictorial stories based on a set of journeys made in December last year up to January 2007 ending with the article
The Dutch Fort in Pulau (island of) Pangkor, Perak..., now is the time to let go of another set of pictorial stories based from earlier journeys to Perak.
Let me start with this one ya based on a trip throughout Perak made on 12-15 September 2006. For information, this happened a few days after attending the reburial ceremony of my great-great grandfather, Laksamana Raja Mahkota Muhammad Amin. The story was told in
The return of Admiral Muhammad Amin's remains to the Perak royal mausoleum... last year. So let me get on with this one ya... As simple as possible as I am actually too lazy to write anything right now but still must complete this session... Otherwise I won't feel complete for the day. Here goes...

After attending the burial of Laksamana Raja Mahkota Muhammad Amin, I rest for a few days at an aunt's place in Teluk Intan before going to Lumut and spent the night at the old mosque there. The next day I left the town by boat to get across the river Dinding. Above is Lumut seen from the boat...
The boat approaching the other side of the Dinding river, known as Damar Laut...

Then I got the bus to the town of Pantai Remis. Here is a picture of the hills of Segari seen from Pantai Remis. Somehow, everytime I see those hills, I'm reminded of the ancient Malay kingdoms of Beruas and Gangga Negara... Hmm...
Since this travel happened sometime ago and since then I've made a few other travels elsewhere, I've forgotten the actual sequence of travelling... On what day and what time I was at a certain place and such. So let me get straight to the point ya... Above is a picture of the Bugis was gear as displayed at the Fort (alias museum) of Ngah Ibrahim in Matang near Taiping...
This is the main building inside the fort of Ngah Ibrahim with his grave (allegedly) seen in the picture... For information, the (alleged) remains of Ngah Ibrahim was brought back along with that of Laksamana Raja Mahkota Muhammad Amin who happens to be his father-in-law. However in the case of Ngah Ibrahim, there are people who believe the remains brought back from Singapore actually belongs to someone else as they claim Ngah Ibrahim had returned to Perak under disguise and died somewhere in his homeland. So there...
This is the surau (small praying hall) at Kampung Temong nearby Kuala Kangsar where I often spent the night whenever I'm there...

A staircase leading to the Perak river at Kampung Temong...

The Perak river seen from Kampung Temong...
Part of the small town of Kati some 3 km from Kampung Temong and 7 km or so from Kuala Kangsar...
Kati from another angle...
Kampung Padang Changkat behind the Iskandariah Palace at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar...
The Perak royal palace of the 1920s which has been turned into a museum...

Another Perak palace at Bukit Chandan, albeit a more modern one which has been turned into another museum...
Part of Kuala Kangsar at night...
The Sultan Abdul Jalil bridge...
View of the bridge on the way to Kota Lama Kanan...

View of the inside of Masjid (mosque) of Kota Lama Kanan. Notice the tombstone there? Let me continue in another article ya. Cheers! :]
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