Continuing from Remembering the "A" Level college days. My dear sweet Ann... And so I ran up the girls' dormitory at the "A" Level college because I was tired of waiting for Ann to come down. As it turned out, Ann was just about to finish preparing for our next outing. However the other girls inside the room panicked, especially a certain girl which seemed to have a certain bone against me since some time following an argument we had.
The girl started screaming out her lungs. I stayed cool and just asked Ann to move fast. Then I heard someone coming from behind. From the top of the staircase, I could see that it was the college guards.
I had no choice except to enter the girls room and exit from the back staircase. Suffice to say I managed to outrun the guards and safely got into the car waiting in front outside, the car containing my mates ready for our next outing to the discos.
Hmm... actually I'm getting tired of writing but have to finish the story anyway. So let me rush you all through it ya. Forgive me if there's any hole in the story.
As usual in the disco, I immediately headed for the dance floor. Normally this would be the start of my proper seducing ritual for whoever girl that was with me at the moment but with Ann, I felt a certain warmth which I couldn't remember experiencing with any other girl before. This feeling became more pronounced as the floor shifted mood to slow dance music. That's when we started hugging closely and I thought to myself, hey... I could get used to this. I remember telling my buddy Nash about it the following morning. His answer was something like this (I forgot the actual words) : "This could be the start of a beautiful relationship".
He was right. I began to get very close to Ann and started to forget other girls. What more, the following few weeks, we had to work together to correct a certain perception the authorities were trying to force on us.
You see, that night, after I ran out of the girls dorm, the guards came up looking for me at my room 51C. That's when they caught my room-mates in the midst of conducting our then much-vaunted radio broadcast (have a look at the article Remembering the "A" Level college days. The radio station at 51C ). I was only hauled up for questioning the following day (or was it the next few days?). While I did make the mistake of going inside the girls dorm, the college authorites were trying to book me for having an illicit affair with Ann. What?
It seemed that was the main thing on their mind. Maybe because I was considered one of the bad apples there? Maybe. As it is, I had already been booked in the students' court at least three time for some offences including refusing to attend classes for prolonged periods. Since I had the tendency to rebel and cause trouble, they surmised that after I entered the girls dorm, I took Ann somewhere and did something to her. In other words, some thought we slept together somewhere and that is definitely a big offence in college and a much bigger offence in Islam.
What actually happened was we were at Scandals until 4 am or so. Then I can't remember if we went to any other disco but we and the guys did have an early morning breakfast, I think it was in Bangsar or so. Then we hanged out somewhere, maybe at a public park waiting for daylight to appear as that is when we can sneak back into our dorms without raising suspicion. But we can't tell the authorities that we were at the discos as this itself was a big offence.
Suffice to say we managed to wriggle our way out of a bigger punishment after being subjected to the students' court... with the help of Ann's sister and her boyfriend who suggested that we stick to the story that we spent the night at their family place, and they were ready to testify for us. Still I had to pay a hefty fine, if not mistaken about RM250. What happened actually made me closer to Ann and for a while I actually felt really happy sticking to one girl.
We had a happy relationship that actually lasted for more than 3 months. Why, once I even visited her home in Johor and met her mum! But being the ungrateful person that I was, I soon started missing attention from other girls. This lead to our break up and it was only many years later did I realised what a big mistake I have made. That's it ya... :]
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I begin on internet with a directory
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