Look closely at the above picture... Very very closely. See anything funny?
Now, this picture was taken a week ago at Pulau Besar (literally translated as the big island) in Melaka... To be exact on November 4th 2007 at around 10am morning or so. The island is known for its so-called mystical attractions, mainly the tombs of saintly figures, ancient warriors and religious men (even women) believed to be well-endowned in magical powers. It is also believed to house many types of fairy-like creatures.
Me and a friend went circumventing around the island and snapped some pictures along the way for the sake of posturity. One can take a leisurely walk and went around the island in 2 hours time as it is quite compact despite it's name which could be translated as the big island... After all the term big does not always mean big in size but also big in stature and repute.
I took the above picture to signify that we have passed certain points while circumventing the island. We were then passing through some mangrove swamp facing the coast of mainland Melaka. Little did we realise what was in store when we return.
Look closely again... Can you see what we found when looking at the picture back in Kuala Lumpur. Still can't see it?

Let me help. See the figure within the circle marked in the picture above. Look closely and study...

Ta da!!! There... I blew the picture up. What does it look like to you?

And here is a much closer view. As close as we could get before it turns to a total blur...
Unfortunately, the picture taken using a cheap digital camera can't be blown up further without sacrifising its quality... Note how it looks like?
We were totally dumbfounded when we noticed this. Is this really a picture of a man walking? It does look like a typical Malay man wearing a green-coloured shirt with a piece of white clothes or the Malay
kain samping (or
kain pelikat?) worn across the shoulder and a skull-cap on top the head... Perhaps with a sword dangling out at his side too, at least that's what it looks like!
But if this is truly a man, that how could it be possible? This figure is only the size of an average leaf or so, perhaps slightly more than 6-inches tall.
Is this perhaps one of the creatures hinted in the famous English tale Gulliver's Travel? That of midget citizens from a land called Lilliput? Then again, the Malays do have legends about such midget-sized people... And Pulau Besar in Melaka being a much-touted mystical place could house some...
Skeptics could argue it's just a light-play on some leaves or such natural everyday object. Is it?

Now... This is the best I can do to make the picture any more visible using the programme Photoshop... I don't touch or doctor the picture in anyway. All I did was play with the lighting and contrast to make the figure stands out more against the background...
So you judge. Is this a genuine midget in Pulau Besar, Melaka or is it some sort of illusion cooked up by nature? Go figure...
Only ALLAH knows :)
The mysticism of Pulau Besar is quite close to my heart. My mum is from Melaka, I guess that's why maybe. My aunt used to go to Pulau Besar *if im correctlah* for her berubat sessions as she holds the Saka from my late great grandma.
Someone I know too, claim that he is connected to certain characters such as Panglima Hitam, Tok Sheikh to name a few who resides in Pulau Besar. At one stage, these caharcters would come and visit him and this friend of mine would just change into character. It was to the extent that he had to pay homage to Pulau Besar to cure himself or to put him at ease. Alhamdulillah, it has not re-occur this present times.
As a Muslim, i believe in the existence of other creatures created by ALLAH. Thus, seeing Panglima Hitam, Tok Sheikh, or even some puteri taking hold of the physical body proves that ALLAH is Great, and shows whoever, whatever HE wants. Making the sighting of the 'midget' on Pulau Besar as a gift. Subhanallah.
:) just my 2 cents
Wassalam. Thanks for the feedback. That's what I like... for everyone, anyone to give their own understanding of a story of their own take, experience so that we could all share. Cheers! :]
p/s: Tetiba teringat lagu lama Mat Saleh: That's the way I like it ahak ahak I like it ahak ahak!
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