OK. This is a picture of the small town of Batang Berjuntai in Selangor taken about 3 weeks ago. This is the main road heading towards Rawang.
After having a meal at a restaurant in Ijok, I felt like taking a ride to Batang Berjuntai. I'm not sure if I have been in this town ever before in my life. Perhaps once or twice while on the way to somewhere else.

OK, why do I feel like sharing these pictures... and then making a posting under the title "The loose name of Batang Berjuntai"? First, let me tell you, the official name of the town since the last few years is Bestari Jaya. This should indirectly answer why I choose the particular title for the posting.
You see, to those who understands the Malay language, the name Batang Berjuntai sounds and has some vulgar connotation. For the record the word "Batang" could be translated as a stick, or even better, a rod depending on the context. "Berjuntai" means hanging down, often referring to something that is so long that it tends to hang down to a very noticeable extend. Now try taking the words together, "Batang Berjuntai". You could say it is a long rod hanging down...
Hmm... I might not be able to explain this so clearly but get the picture? Or I could say it this way, "Batang" is also a colloquial way or referring to the male sex member. Come to think of it, the Englis word "rod" also has the same connotation. Get the picture?
And so whenever the name "Batang Berjuntai" is mentioned, people tend to snigger. Why, they can't help it. It's in the maps and official references. After all it is the name of a town.
That's why after a while, the officials decided to rename the town "Bestari Jaya" which could be loosely translated as the town of the succesfully smart. That's a long way for long hanging rods. Then again, one couldn't just erase the memory or name of "Batang Berjuntai" (snigger!) just like that as shown in the name of the clinic. That's all! :]
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