So the journey was continued towards the bay of Lamuri...

Here we are about to cross a river known as Kreung Raya if I'm not mistaken. For the record the mouth of this river which is not so far from here practically marks the western tip of the bay...

One could see plenty of houses which looks like it was newly-built just after the tsunami of 26th December 2004.
On the other hand, just like tracts of land seen as we started Saturday's journey as shown in the article To Lamuri and the fortress of Indrapatra... there are parts which looks like it remained unhabitable.

As we followed the coastal curve of the bay southwards, a look to the right heads straight to west where the city of Banda Aceh lies at the foot of the hills seen far in the background.

At the middle of the bay which also houses a small harbour town called Pelabuhan (port of) Malahayati lies this landmark which is actually a large store for cement...

Somehow I was struck by the words "Sejak 1910" (Since 1910) prominent stamped on the building... for it contains the number 191 which has certain significance to me. Immediately my heart say there's something of personal interest and connection to me.

As the driver steps down to ask for directions only did I realise somehow here lies the tomb of an important Aceh personality, the lady admiral Laksamana Malahayati...

We made our way inland. While I know that within the bounds of the bay of Lamuri lies a fortress attributed to the lady admiral (Laksamana means admiral in Malay), I never thought to visit the tomb and never knew it lies somewhere here!

On the way we saw a mosque which I feel I must visit later...
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