Translation by Radzi Sapiee
The Hijrah has brought huge extraordinary changes to the Prophet’s struggle in saving mankind from the abyss of destruction. It is an event which separates the truth from falsehood, Islam from unbelief. The event that is the Hijrah has brought unprecedented success in the building of a Daulah Islamiyah (sovereign Islamic state) under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thus the Prophet himself was the first leader of an Islamic state.
Before Hijrah, the Prophet SAW and Muslims have to endure extraordinary sufferings. They were tortured using all sorts of means, many became victims of selective persecution and were actually killed. In fact the unbelievers and infidels in Mecca were unified in wanting to slay the Prophet SAW. However their evil plot was discovered by the Prophet through a revelation from high above and Allah Almighty commanded Rasulullah SAW to migrate or do the Hijrah.
The companion Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib, also a first cousin of the Prophet SAW willingly put in himself in a sacrificial condition, giving room for the Prophet to do the Hijrah. While their enemies were targetting to kill the Prophet in his sleep, Ali took his place on the Prophet’s bed putting all faith to Allah Almighty. Thus the enemies were practically sidestepped. By the time they realised it was Ali who was in bed, Prophet Muhammad SAW was already a distance away on his migration or Hijrah accompanied by another faithful companion, Abu Bakar as-Siddiq.
Although Rasulullah SAW is guaranteed to receive help from Allah Almighty, he would always strive hard in all endeavours. To ensure the success of his struggle, he planned his way carefully, among it by hiding and taking refuge in the cave of Thur. After he was sure the enemies’ threat has subsided then only he and Abu Bakar continued their journey to Yathrib.
Upon arrival there, the Prophet SAW was greeted with much cheers and happiness by the people of Yathrib. His first endeavour there was to built a mosque which became well-known as Masjid Quba. Having changed the name of Yathrib to Medina (the Arab word is actually Madinah which simply means the city), the Prophet then arranged its society by pairing the Muhajirins, those who migrated from Mecca and the local Ansars as brothers. It was a brotherhood which stood strong making the Muslims like one solid building. They strived to help each other, fighting in the same line strengthening everyone in all their endeavours.
The Prophet SAW was also succesful in calling races and tribes from a variety of religions to work together and help each other in protecting the newly-founded Islamic state under his leadership. After Hijrah, the Muslims became independent people able to carry out their duties to both Allah and mankind according to the prescriptions of the Al-Quran and Sunnah, the practice of the Prophet without opposition. It was also after Hijrah that Islam began to spread widely to all parts of Arabia before making its way to the rest of the world.
If Muslims nowadays could enliven and implement the spirit of Hijrah as brought by the Prophet SAW and the Muslims of old, God willing the condition of the Muslims would not be as bad as it is today.We are confident, through the presciptions of the Al-Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet SAW, Muslims will relive its past glorious success. Amin ya Rabbal ’alamin.
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