This is the view down the small road, next to bend of the major route heading southwards to Rompin and Mersin from Pekan, Pahang... The signboard shows the way to a place called Tanjung Agas, at the estuary of the Pahang river 6km ahead...
Now, I've wanted to see the estuary of the Pahang river for sometime. So naturally I must go there before I can continue with my other plans...
Thank God, there is bus service heading all the way there... But it is only after 3km or so did I decided to snap pictures...
Finally, Tanjung Agas. The name reminds me of a place with the same name in Muar, right at the northern part of the Muar river mouth.
Here I learned, there's an island called Pulau Teja near the estuary of the Pahang river and the land in the background of this picture is the island... The name in turn reminds one of the legendary 15th century princess Tun Teja who was smuggled from Pahang by the warrior Hang Tuah, to be matched with the Sultan of Melaka...
The estuary of the Pahang river slightly to the east... It seems there's plenty of sand on the other side...
Then I took the same bus to head back towards Pekan...
But I decided to drop down at this cemetery nearby the bend to the south where I first took the bus...
Somehow this particular grave attracted me the first time I saw it right after boarding the bus to Tanjung Agas...
I just had to have a look at what's inside...
I also found this rather interesting grave in the same cemetery...
Then, there's this tree with a lot of "warts"...
Once that's done, I head back to Pekan. The story will be continued later in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU .
Oh... In case you are wondering why the title of this story is "A look at the Pahang river estuary and what's around... The southern part that is..." Why mention the sourthern part? Well, it is because later, I would have a look at the northern part of the river estuary... A few days later that is but that is another story. Cheers! :]
salam to bro ms and cheers, my beloved grandfather, grandmother, my ancestor all was in that cemetry. Oh god, one of the tomd look like D shape belong to Chini Lake dragon who lost his figt with his brother from South China Sea. Folkfore say that the sibling dragon actualy was a human like (werewolf, but this one to say aarr?) ehehehe. The Sultan dreaming a old man ask for helping to burried this lost fight dragon. But only head was wrapping because not enaugh 'kain kafan' in Pekan state. ehehehe....hope bro ms understand what i'm trying to say. ehehehe.. huh cacamerba sungguh. :]
Di Pahang ada tak pulau bernama Pulau Lemaja/Lumaja?
Wassalam Syahir. Good try... Boleh le tu speaking London, tapi London pasar malam hehe! :]
Kampung Syahir kat jalan nak pegi Tanjung Agas tu ke? Area tu pun ok gak, nyaris2 nak tido surau An-Nur kat selekoh tu...
To Anynymous, tak tau plak jika ada nama Pulau Lemaja/ Lumaja. Kat belah mana? Laut ke dalam sungai? Tapi rasa2nya macam ada! :}
kampung saya kampung ketapang tengah, yang kat tanjung agas tu kubur atuk nenek dan sedara mara. sekolah al attas tu datuk saya yang asaskan sebelum habib al attas tu datang beri derma untuk pembangunan sekolah. kalau tanya mu'alim hasan bin senik org kampung insyaAllah kenal lagi. surau kat simpang tu sedara mara gak yang JKKnya. salah seorangnya pak sedara nama ustaz Hasan. ok bang, selamat ya. cheers... ;]
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
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