Peace be upon you all. Two weeks ago, I made a visit to the Templer's Park recreational area north of Kuala Lumpur. Tonight, I felt like make a posting on it. Here goes...
Actually I was on the way from Rawang to Kuala Lumpur and haven't had lunch. As I was approaching Templer's Park, I thought, why not have lunch there...

And so I was at the recreational area one weekend...

The last time I was here was probably more than three months ago...

Then, I felt like taking a quick dip at the nice stream here. At first I just wanted to dip my feet. But I ended up dipping my whole body, many many times.

Some 20 years ago, this area used to be my favourite haunt. As far as I could remember, there's at least 7 waterfalls inside up to 200 metres above sea level and I always made it a point to climb up until the furthest stream accesible.
Since then, I hardly paid a visit. The latest visit two weeks ago was probably the first time in 20 years I ventured beyond the gates seen above, the main gate at the foot of the hill containing the waterfalls!

But I have no intention of going in far. I just decided to wade across the nearest stream inside... after all I wanted to get to KL soon.
Oh, for the record, although Klang Valley folks call this area as the Templer's Park, the fact is its official name is the Kanching recreational park and forest reserve. The actual Templer's Park, named after a British officer from the colonial era is about 2-3km a bit down south. But it is not so popular as there's only one or two waterfalls there and even then, it's quite deep inside the jungle.
Instead, this area is already accesible from the roadside with the streams looking (and feeling) much nicer. As it is not far from the real Templer's Park, visitors tend to call it by that name and it sticks until today.

So there I was wading across this parts...

I only went up to the first waterfall seen here. Of course I felt like going further and furthermore, I haven't had a dip yet. After all I always liked waterfalls... looking at the sight in front is enough to give me the jitters. The jitters of wanting to at least stand under the waterfall that is. But I got things to do in Kuala Lumpur. So I had to go. That's all! :]
stumble upon your blog today while surfing the net. I must say, after reading your posts, Im more interested now about our country's rich history than ever before. thank you bro. for the inspiration.
p/s: would like to ask for your permission if i could link up your blog in mine...? thanks. :-)
Wassalam. No problem. Go on... :]
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