The book is the same size as "Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti" (my first book, "The trip to Aceh: In search of self and meaning") or BKA I, so are the number of pages which is 300 plus 4 empty ones, because the number is a multiply of 16 (set of 4 pieces of paper folded in half to become 16 pages) in this case 16 x 19 = 304. It continues the story from book I and will bring readers further into the world of travelling and thoughts of Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid. So it will involve more weird and mysterious happenings, including studies in Tasawuf (Islamic spirituality).
For information, the editting and layout for the book using the softwares Pagemaker then InDesign was completed on Thursday 15 Mac 2007 just before Subuh (the Islamic early morning prayers). But I must do another layer of editting to strenghten the contents... The cover is also not 100 per cent completed as the inspiration for the poem at the back has not arrived.
After completing the editting on Thursday, my heart tells me to wait until the month of Safar is completed (the previous Islamic month). Today, Rabiulawal has entered, and so the following process will be continued today and that's why I got the urge to put the picture of the book's cover here and share the latest development of BKA II with dear readers.
Whatever, please pray everything will turn out smoothly OK... If there's no interference, God willing, the book will be in the market in May. Well, let me continue with work ya... Go on reading! :]