Greetings dear readers... I'm now in Tanjung Malim after spending the night at the main mosque there... Glad to inform everyone, I am in the final stages of my current journey after leaving Kuala Lumpur more than 3 weeks ago. It happens that last night is my 7th night in Perak, after spending 6 nights in Kedah, 5 nights in Kelantan and 4 nights in Pahang. Notice the order of number? Is it sheer coincidence or what?
Anyway, I last made any posting at my blogspots two days ago in Teluk Intan. For information I completed my 155th posting in
CATATAN SI MERAH SILU, 88th in this blogspot and 44th for
SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) at the town where dad was born. Notice again the order of numbers? Oh... By the way, I have a 'fetish' for numbers... Certain ones carry a certain reverbation for me and serve as some sort of spiritual pointers as how to navigate life and what choices to make next.
Anyway, the occurence of those numbers as the total of my postings made me pause a bit in my writing in order to savour the moment. Now, in my last day in Perak (hopefully, hehe!) in my current trip, I intend to break the ice before crossing the border to Selangor just a kilometre away... Here it is...

Somewhere in the district of Merbok with the height of Gunung Jerai in the backdrop, lies a set of ancient graves believed to belong to the family of the first king of Kedah. His name is said to be Sultan Muzaffar Shah and he lived and ruled in the early 1100s AD, some 300 years earlier than the said official opening of the kingdom of Melaka...
Now, the kingdom of Melaka is almost always referred to in official Malaysian history as the earliest and most prosperous Malay kingdom. What about Kedah which is acknowleged by everyone as having existed much earlier? I believe everyone knows that but why wasn't it recognised as much as Melaka? Is it because they think Kedah is a minor kingdom while Melaka used to be quite a grand empire ruling over a big part of the Malay Archipelago? Or is it because Kedah lacked prominent personalities like that in Melaka?
Now practically everyone knows the name of the legendary Melaka and Malay warrior, Hang Tuah. Many also know of the exploits or Melaka rulers such as Sultan Mansur Shah and Sultan Mahmud Shah, also the bravery of its other rulers like Sultan Alauddin and Sultan Muzaffar (the Muzaffar of Melaka of course as the name Muzaffar is used by many Malay rulers). But how many (outside of Kedah) know the exploits of Kedah's very own rulers or its long legendary history especially as narrated in the classic text Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa?

Look at the plaque above... I'm sorry if I can't explain it clearly as the trip to this place was made in January 18th 2007, a continuation from the trip as told in
The ruins of Pengkalan Bujang .... And the writings, being in such choice of colour against such background in stone is not that clear either and I admit, I have to rush to complete this and the next few posting before I'm, 'allowed' to leave Perak and get into Selangor. But it did say, Sultan Muzaffar Shah of Kedah died in either 1136 AD or 1129 AD (if memory serves me right)... At least enough to give the idea, how far way back was the time this king flourised in...
Oh... I almost didn't make it to this place as first, I don't know its actual location... Second I was already very tired that day after walking from the town of Merbok to the archeological museum in Bujang Valley then spending time at the ruins of Pengkalan Bujang. And third there is no public transport to get to the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar and it is at least 6km away from Pengkalan Bujang.
By God's grace, a staff working at the excavation site at Pengkalan Bujang heard about my predicament and took me there...Truly God has planned everything... It is we humans who often fail to see the wisdom behind His every move and timing...
And so there I was staring at this scene. Beautiful isn't it with the 1,200 metre plus high Gunung Jerai in the background, the most visible high ground within a 100km radius or so I think. Here is a beacon said to have guide travellers, traders and adventurers in an around the region for more than 1,000 years! The other highlands are situated within Banjaran Titiwangsa or the Main Range which is quite a distance inland.
Thus they said, that is why Kedah (or rather the ancient kingdom of Langkasuka) was founded earlier than the other kingdoms in Peninsular Malaysia... When a warrior prince from the Middle East or European region (depending on how or where you interpret the location of the ancient kingdom of Rum) by the name of Merong Mahawangsa was stranded on the shores of an island called Pulau Serai which is actually ancient Gunung Jerai ! During a time when most of the land you see in the picture was submerged in water, perhaps as remnants of the flood during Prophet Nuh's time? God knows best...
As it is, the story as recorded in the ancient text Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa is steeped in magic and tales so outlandish for the modern mind to believe or take note of. Merong Mahawangsa was a prince who headed a fleet to bring the son of the Emporer of Rum to China to marry the princess of the emporer there. But a giant bird, the arrogant garuda (I believe the English term is roc or something as there is a similar legend about a giant bird in ancient Europe and Middle East) pledged to prevent the marriage from happening in front of the wise King Solomon (also known as Prophet Sulaiman in Islam).
The king just allowed the giant bird to take its shot... Said the king, what God has planned, no one can alter however powerful one is... It's only a matter of time before God's decrees take its course. To cut a long story short, the giant bird attacked the fleet that carried the prince of Rum towards China. The attack happened not far away from the present shore of Kedah and in the aftermath, Merong Mahawangsa founded the kingdom of Langkasuka starting at Gunung Jerai and that is the precursor to the opening of the state of Kedah.
The small road leading to the tomb of Sultan Muzaffar Shah...
Now, some may wonder, why did I put a question mark in the title of this article... Is Sultan Muzaffar Shah the first king of Kedah or not? Well, that might depend on how you interpret history. Some say, Sultan Muzaffar Shah is actually Merong Mahawangsa after converting to Islam and taking on another name. Others say, the Sultan Muzaffar Shah buried in Merbok is the grandson or great grandson of the legendary Merong Mahawangsa.
Now, the Sultan Muzaffar Shah who is said to have flourished in the earlier 1100s AD or so is officially acknowledged as the first king of Kedah because he was the first to embrace Islam... In the hands of another legendary figure known as Sheikh Abdullah whose tomb is believed to be on top of Gunung Jerai. So there were a few other kings before him but they where not officially recognised by the present authorities as the kings were supposed to be infidels.
There are a few who beg to differ saying all the kings were Muslims all the while. There are a small group who even dared to put forward the theory that Merong Mahawangsa came to Kedah as a Muslim as he made the trip sometime in the 7th Century, well after the Prophet Muhammad SAW has preached the universal message of truth with a famous envoy Saad Abi Waqas having spread the religion up to China! Well, that may be the case... What puzzles me, the text Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa mentioned that Prophet Sulaiman was still alive when Merong Mahawangsa founded Langkasuka or early Kedah. Now, official history said, Sulaiman lived in the 900 years before the Prophet Isa or the Christ was born. This is about 1,500 years before Prophet Muhammad walked on earth. So how do you tally all this?
I left the tomb wondering the whole significance of the trip... What does it say? I do know that since December, I got a feeling saying most of the Western interpreted official history on the ruins in and around Merbok were consciously falsified by parties aligned with the world Zionist movement to fool the Malays... And so we are taught, the original populace of the Malay Archipelago were Hindus before they were either forcefully converted, cooerced by circumstances or simply driven away into the forest by Muslim 'invaders' which came later.
Suffice to say, I believe these are all blatant lies... Islam has always existed with the advent of humanity on earth as brought down by the Prophet Adam but it was the devil and their cohorts which try to lead people astray making them bow down to idols and such. And thus came the term Hindu to refer to a group of religion where a major part of its so-called adherents worship a variety of idols and such is supposed to be the way of the original people of the Malay Archipelago. Enough of this... Just give what I said a thought...
So the time came for me to leave Merbok. Look at the sign-post and guess where to next... Cheers! :]