Peace be upon you all. After almost 2 weeks of 'break' its time to continue with the northern trip stories.
In the last northern piece The tomb of Maharaja Khadi Abdul Jalil in Jitra revisited it has been mentioned how the day was closed after me, wife and baby made a trip to Hatyai, Thailand before making a round of Malaysia's smallest state Perlis. The following morning 29th August 2010 which is a Sunday we took some rest at an old mosque in Langgar, Alor Setar. Here is Al-Rasyid seen peering out of a window...
Exploring more of the old mosque...
Take notice of the old traditonal carvings decorating this mosque...

Time to look outside.
Elaborate carvings still feature prominently everywhere...

Stepping out via the verandah.
Pool for taking abolution.
The traditional drum once used to signal the start of call for prayers.
The actual old mosque.