And as the title suggest, time to wrap up the stories made based on my last long travel covering Pahang, Kelantan, Kedah, Perak and Selangor...

From Kuala Kubu Baru, a friend came to bring me back to Kuala Lumpur... We decided to use the Batang Kali route and stopped at this nice little vacation area...

If I'm not mistaken, the river is called Sungai Tua, a nice river for taking a few dips...
Now I could just end this story by going straight to Kuala Lumpur or just ignore my little incursion to this place but my strange instinct told me just write these parts even if it look irrelevent, at least for closure...
We stopped by at one side of the place to watch people playing motor-cross . Then it's time to go...
Actually I didn't go straight to KL. Another friend called to meet me up to Rawang. So I went there. Only later at night did I return by Komuter train and then the LRT...
This picture is taken the next day in KL, Monday 30th July after a nice sleep at an auntie's place in Ampang where I'm currently staying at... Put up the "Berpetualang ke Aceh" promotional poster as a sign the tour ends.
Now that this is done, do try to follow the stories again from the start. God willing, you'll find some messages useful to you. Cheers! :]