Peace be upon you. Glad to inform that today I successfully defended my thesis proposal with ISTAC, the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation in Kuala Lumpur. Due to the current Covid-19 situation it was conducted online via Zoom. Nevertheless it is a very happy episode for me as it is a very significant milestone and progress in my post-graduate studies. This is because the defense should have been done over a year ago. I am overdue because of the Covid situation plus some personal problems.
Without realising it my wife recorded the session. Watch the video above. It's just she recorded only 30 minutes of it so missed the best parts in which I answered my critics to the point that I am acknowledged as having successfully defended my proposal. Earlier a PhD student had made his defense under the same session. For the record this is the first thesis proposal defense with ISTAC for the year 2022. Only two presented, me and that student.
Each part comprised a Powerpoint presentation by the student followed by comments and feedbacks which could be critics from two readers of sufficient academic standing. The student may answer or give comments. Other academics can also chip in. The idea is the student must verbally defend what he intends to write in the face of criticism there and then. Whether he is allowed to continue with his present course or must make significant changes depends on how well he defended his defence proposal.
Lastly my thesis has something to with a presentation I made as an invited speaker at ISTAC almost 4 years ago. Look at the old article Syarahan "Prophet Adam and the Malays 60,000 Years Ago - Aligment of Time, Revealed Knowledge and Science" di ISTAC in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU followed by Prophet Adam and the Malays 60,000 Years Ago : Alignment of Time, Revealed Knowledge and Science. It is not exactly as presented then but a variety with a different approach, more academic and philosophical. Of course I could not reveal beyond that... :]