After Seri Menanti we went to Tanjung Ipoh and Talang before heading for Kuala Pilah where lies this bridge crossing the Muar river.

Take a journey across space and time through the multi-dimensional door that is the soul of my being... For the Salik (Arabic for traveller, also a Sufi term for a searcher) merges in him the raw qualities of an earthly being nicely blended with the divine qualities that belong to Him, the Alpha and Omega of everything.
This blogspot is a medium to share my thoughts and adventures apart from promoting my books. Below are the books which have been written or authored and published by myself.
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti".
ISBN 983-42031-0-1, Jun 2006
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Membela Syiar yang Asal"
ISBN 983-42031-1-x, May 2007
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Sirih Pulang ke Gagang?"
ISBN 978-983-42031-2-2, November 2007
It is interesting to note that while these books were written in Malay it has gained enough attention to merit being part of the collections of the American Library of Congress and National Library of Australia. Look here and here.
While the first three books were published by my own company, the fourth titled "Rumah Azan" was published in April 2009 by a company called Karnadya with the help of the Malaysian national literary body Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. It features beautiful pictures along with stories behind selected mosques which could be related to the history of Islam and the Malays alongside the formation of the Malaysian nation. Look at the article A collaboration of old collegemates - the book "Rumah Azan".
My fifth book "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates", an English translation and adaptation of the Malay book "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" authored by Hj Muzaffar Mohamad and Tun Suzana Othman was published early 2010. Look here... My 5th book is out! Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and the Malay Sultanates... . For more information check out my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU.
My seventh book "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" in turn is a coffee-table book which is written, editted, designed and has pictures taken by me. Coming out of the factory October 2011, this book which combines family history with history of places such as Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar and in fact the history of the island of Java and England has been reviewed with me interviewed live in the program Selamat Pagi Malaysia at RTM1. Look at the article Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Some selected contents have been featured in Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".
The "Berpetualang ke Aceh" series of novels could be obtained in e-book form. Enter, click general novel and go to page 4. You can also type the word "Aceh" at the search box. Or click straight Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.
After Seri Menanti we went to Tanjung Ipoh and Talang before heading for Kuala Pilah where lies this bridge crossing the Muar river.
Pada halaman tepi ada replika batu.
At the side lawn there are stone replicas.
Maklumat tentang replika.
Information on the replicas.
Sekarang baru kita masuk ke dalam.
Now only do we enter.
Naik tangga utama terus kelihatan ruang ini.
Going up the main staircase and immediately this space came to view.
Saya lebih tertarik pada singgahsana lama yang terdapat di satu sayap.
I was more attracted to the old throne available at one wing.
After conducting the Jumaat (compulsory congregational) prayers at the main mosque of Seri Menanti me and family went to the royal museum which was once a palace.
OK. I don't remember where I exactly I was when this picture was taken but this should be a view from the first floor. For the record, except for certain parts like the roof (obviously) the museum is made totally from wood without having to hammer a single nail at any of its four floors above ground.
This should be from the 3rd floor.
Moving on to the 4th or top floor, a view to the right...
A view ahead...
And a view to the left.
Noon, after spending the night at a family house in Kajang, me, wife and our 23-month old son Al-Rasyid took the LEKAS highway accesible just behind the house or so.
While we have taken this highway many times to move to the south and back, most of the time it was at night.
And as far as I could remember I've never went further than Seremban (on the southward or rather south then eastern route) in bright day light.
So this journey made on Friday is a first as I could see how the highway rise and cuts through some highland area towards Seremban before veering east towards Peninsular Malaysia's main mountain range, the Banjaran Titiwangsa.