Continued from Masjid lama (Old mosque of) Kampung Parit Istana, Terachi.

After the Friday (compulsory congregational) prayers we went to the royal museum.

It was originally the main palace for the Negeri Sembilan royalty.
Pada halaman tepi ada replika batu.
At the side lawn there are stone replicas.
Maklumat tentang replika.
Information on the replicas.
Sekarang baru kita masuk ke dalam.
Now only do we enter.
Naik tangga utama terus kelihatan ruang ini.
Going up the main staircase and immediately this space came to view.
Saya lebih tertarik pada singgahsana lama yang terdapat di satu sayap.
I was more attracted to the old throne available at one wing.

Actually it is not allowed to take pictures here what more most of the things on display belong to the royal family. Thus let us just go up the stairs.

Then go up a steeper staircase.

On the 4th floor which is the highest is an empty room. For views towards outside look at the article The small town of Seri Menanti from the royal museum in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.
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