The Muar bridge is just right in front. Built sometime in the early 1970s (before that, people have to take ferries to get across), its monolithic components never fail to astound the nostalgic child in me!
Then the sky got clearer again with some fishing boats mooring at the southern river side right of the boat... We are clear pass the bridge...
And in tandem with that, a good view of the supermarket on the northern side...
Further up right is the Muar wet market building which houses its own urban legend...
I turned my head to snap a picture of the Muar bridge which we have left behind...
Oh... Next to the wet market is the Bentayan food hawkers complex. Notice the space underneath the middle of the building? Believe it or not, that is the mouth of the river Bentayan... Now, that is one historical piece of a place...
Official history recorded that here lies the last stand of the Melaka Malays against the invading Portuguese army right after the fall of the city of Melaka in 1511. Perhaps the giant snake is a remnant of that era? Who knows...
A little further up and we approached the first bend (or curve?) of the Muar river... Now, my cheap camera might not be able to catch the sight as it is but this should be enough to tell you that right in the middle of the picture, some 2 kilometres away lies the second Muar bridge completed about three years ago to divert the growing traffic out of main town.
Too bad we didn't cruise further upriver. As the boat weaves to make a turn, part of me was complaining inside... Is this trip really worth the RM10 I paid? I thought they said the cruise would last 40 minutes but I think I have counted to only slightly over 20 minutes or so...
As the boat completed turning, I was resigned to the thought that this is what you get for RM10. Then the boat went on passing the jetty where we embarked from and headed for open sea. That's when I thought the RM10 fare was really worth it. Too bad, my camera was out of battery and I can't catch more pictures...
Still luckily, after switching off the camera for a few times and turning it back on, I managed to get enough power to make this last shot... The view of the town Muar from the further end of the Muar estuary. That's all ya. Take care! :]
4 comments: my 34 yrs or so on the earth tak pernah terasa nak naik river cruise kat Muar ni..but now after reading this...must try it whenever i go back to Muar..the kids will love it i think...
went back to muar last weekend..couldnt resist the cruise..hehe..went for it with the kids, my cousin n her husband n their kids n my mum..i thought it was going to be biasa je but how wrong could i was awesome experience..for everyone i guess...because of the cruise i realised that the new mosque opp the old mosque is exactly a replica..from the design to the colour to everything...thanks radzi..took some pix too..
by the way, when we went back we didnt head to the open just went right back to the jetty..
Hehe! Glad that my story manage to rekindle the childhood interest about Muar in you... Cheers! :]
p/s: By the way I just arrived in Mersing. After Aidil Adha in Muar, I went to Batu Pahat then Pontian then JB and last night I was in Kota Tinggi...
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