And so we arrived at the coastline...
A few yards to the right and there's this hut with some people resting around. Apparently they've camping there for the last 3 days or so. That's where we learnt, we have arrived at the parts of Tanjung Tuan known as Pulau Intan!
An interesting looking tree...
Now, Pulau Intan could be literally translated as "diamond island". If this is Pulau Intan, then where's the island? All we saw was an extension of land from Tanjung Tuan. Or perhaps this area is an island during high tide? Hmm...
Whatever, we decided to press on...
Hmm... It's pretty high actually...
My buddy cum cameraman Zaidi @ PerpatihTulus found something interesting on top of the small hill...
Oh my God! It is a lonely grave out on no man's land!
The inscription says here lies a certain woman who died in 1960... Hmm... Why buried here? That is the mystery...
My cousin Nizam wanted to explore the area further...
And down there lies the furthermost tip of Tanjung Tuan!
Of course we had to go down there. Here is a view from there... Of the main hill of Tanjung Tuan with the historical lighthouse on top. Cheers! :]
1 comment:
Salam Jumaat
Mengikut pd mata pandangan saya, nama pd batu nesan itu bernama Difatimah Binti Semait. Adakah nama Semait pd batu nesan ada kena mengena dengan UStaz Semait dari Singapura yg juga Ahlul Bait. Beliau yg sy diberitahu meninggal 3 tahun lepas (jika salah harap perbetulkan) kerana kemalangan jalan raya semasa perjalana dari Singapura ke Batu Pahat. Beliau juga banyak menulis buku2 unsur dakwah/agama dan tasawuf..Buku yang sempat saya baca "Rahsia Sufi"..simple dan menarik kandungannya..Alfatihah ..
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