Take a journey across space and time through the multi-dimensional door that is the soul of my being... For the Salik (Arabic for traveller, also a Sufi term for a searcher) merges in him the raw qualities of an earthly being nicely blended with the divine qualities that belong to Him, the Alpha and Omega of everything.

This blogspot is a medium to share my thoughts and adventures apart from promoting my books. Below are the books which have been written or authored and published by myself.

"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti".
ISBN 983-42031-0-1, Jun 2006
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Membela Syiar yang Asal"
ISBN 983-42031-1-x, May 2007

"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Sirih Pulang ke Gagang?"
ISBN 978-983-42031-2-2, November 2007
It is interesting to note that while these books were written in Malay it has gained enough attention to merit being part of the collections of the American Library of Congress and National Library of Australia. Look here and here.
While the first three books were published by my own company, the fourth titled "Rumah Azan" was published in April 2009 by a company called Karnadya with the help of the Malaysian national literary body Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. It features beautiful pictures along with stories behind selected mosques which could be related to the history of Islam and the Malays alongside the formation of the Malaysian nation. Look at the article A collaboration of old collegemates - the book "Rumah Azan".
My fifth book "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates", an English translation and adaptation of the Malay book "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" authored by Hj Muzaffar Mohamad and Tun Suzana Othman was published early 2010. Look here... My 5th book is out! Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and the Malay Sultanates... . For more information check out my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU.

Like my fourth book "Rumah Azan", the sixth book "Kereta Api Menuju Destinasi" is also a coffee-table book which is published by the company Karnadya with the cooperation of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (the main Malay literary body in Malaysia). Coming out January 2011 it features pictures and stories on the adventure travelling by train to all of Peninsular Malaysia along with the interesting places which could be reached this way.
My seventh book "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" in turn is a coffee-table book which is written, editted, designed and has pictures taken by me. Coming out of the factory October 2011, this book which combines family history with history of places such as Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar and in fact the history of the island of Java and England has been reviewed with me interviewed live in the program Selamat Pagi Malaysia at RTM1. Look at the article Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Some selected contents have been featured in Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".

The "Berpetualang ke Aceh" series of novels could be obtained in e-book form. Enter http://www.e-sentral.com/, click general novel and go to page 4. You can also type the word "Aceh" at the search box. Or click straight Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Original colours of Batik
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The little 'hill' recently discovered in Kuala Selangor
Last Sunday, after a visit to a friend's house, me and family went up the hill of Bukit Melawati in Kuala Selangor. It was almost dusk and I just wanted to enjoy the view. I was admiring the scenery of the river Selangor opening into the Straits of Melaka when I felt like looking more to the right to see (yet again...) how the smaller hill called Bukit Keramat (if I recall correctly) blend into the surroundings.
Look at the article Kota (Fort of) Tanjung Keramat in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART). See how that hill looks quite big when you are looking up from its foot. Notice the growth on the left centre of the picture above. That's the hill I'm talking about. That's how it looks from the much bigger and higher Bukit Melawati.

Let me zoom in on that part. Taken from the same picture pay attention to how the hill fits into the closed area created by the growth and cannon. I'm sure you'll agree with me that if I were to park the car in any other way, just a slight turn of angle and such and the hill would have been obscured behind either the growth, the cannon or the wall. I take this as a sign to go down there and find the hill.

After going around comparing trees and buildings down there with the picture taken I at last found the hill. Well, it is not actually a hill but a tall and wide jungle tree situated within the compounds of a hotel. It was the heavy canopy on top that makes it looks like a small hill from afar.

Then again it is an astounding majestic tree. I couldn't catch it with all its natural splendour on camera when it was already dark but I could tell you this... it is one of the most impressive tree I've seen my whole life. And being an avid jungle trekker with a hobby of climbing tall trees when I was younger, I've seen plenty of trees.
Bumping into the Thaipusam procession
I was driving to get to my bank at one end of Jalan Ipoh when I saw plenty of Indians walking, some on the middle of the street in colourful celebration customs.

I was so excited with the colours that I actually recorded nearly 4 minutes of non-stop video, crossing the streets and weaving through traffic with the camera on. Have a look...
From Nilai to Kajang : Reminiscing on how life has changed and such
Friday 14th January, after settling some business in Ampang Jaya area, I did the obligatory Jumaat congregational prayers at a mosque which used to be a surau (small praying hall). This reminds me of the time I used to bunk at an aunty's place nearby. She has this house rule that the gates should be all locked at the latest 12 am and that's when the house alarms would be on.
Her whole household tends to sleep by 10. There's the maids who could open the doors for me later but by 12 I wouldn't want to disturb anyone or trip the alarm. For I realise that I was simply bunking at their house as I try to figure out what next in life. I never ask for the keys and I don't feel right about it. It is enough that the aunty and family have accepted me when my life was in disarray and I was having a hard time putting it back to order.
So the simple rule was this. I was allowed to stay but should I spend time late into the night then I should only enter the house in the morning, after 7 am. That should not disturb anyone as by then the whole house would be awake ready for school, work or whatever. At times I need to spend time with friends outside not far from the house. But the conversation tends to go on until the very wee hours... in fact most of them only turned up near midnight. So the surau which is now a mosque was the place I used to rest at while waiting for morning to come.

After Friday prayers I went to Gombak and then picked up the wife at Jalan Ipoh after work before heading home. The following day Saturday we took baby Al-Rasyid down towards the KLIA quarters at Nilai way south from home. We wanted to visit a friend and his place is not so far from the quarters.

Baby Al-Rasyid in front of the mihrab, the front most section of the KLIA quarters mosque. Boy, life has sure changed. Not that I've never had a kid before, it's just I was not in the right frame of mind when my previous wife gave birth to my daughter more than 8 years ago. I was then in total turmoil. Having lost my job to office politics, a few months later a grandmother died, my dad's mum.
You see I was in the midst of getting to know my roots after 30 years of not caring anything about it. She was the one who had all the answers and I came to her after having a certain dream, after having not seen her for like 3 years or so. We managed to have a few days' conversation before I had to go and then started falling sick, not able to talk until the day she died. A few months later I lost my youngest brother in an accident the night after my daughter was born. Just 2-3 months afterwards or so, I lost another grandmother, my mum's mum.

I find it hard to believe that a large restaurant like that of Haji Samuri can run out of onion. It would be logical if I came late at night but just before dusk? Aren't they going to entertain more guests for dinner? How could such a well-recognised establishment ran out of such essential item as onions before prime meal-time for satay? One wonders, were they just simply making excuses to cut up cost?
Like I said before onions are very essential to a tasty satay meal. Apart from that I have been told that it neutralises the carbon present on the meat due to the traditional way it is prepared. Whatever I simply couldn't eat satay without onion. I actually went out in search of some and luckily found a mamak restaurant about 200 metres away with peeled onions ready for cooking and the cook agreed to sell me a bulb.

Kelang river at Kuala Lumpur city centre
11. Sungai Klang
About as big as Sungai Selangor but given more importance due to the existence of Malaysia's main ports near its mouth apart from the fact that it flows through the city of Kuala Lumpur. I have seen the parts in the city perhaps thousands of times due to the fact that I've spent years staying in the Klang Valley. I have seen the wide parts near the city of Klang maybe tens of times but could have seen more if not for the fact that I try not to go there more often because of its often bad traffic condition. But all in all I never took enough pictures or make stories about it. Perhaps I have taken it for granted and need to make amends... will do one day.
After spending time buying orchids (read Al-Rasyid and the orchid farm) we spent the rest of the day at home indoors. The next day Monday I followed my parents to an uncle's place at Damansara Heights where we had lunch before I decided to head for Kuala Lumpur city by public transport and walked around. At the Central Market LRT station I saw a nice view of the Kelang river and decided to take pictures. Furthermore it is time that I fill the missing part about this river for the "Fascination with rivers" section.
You see it has been a while since I walked at these parts of the city and took the LRT. Then I noticed there's a pedestrian bridge connecting to the old train station across.

Here's a look at the Kelang river. These parts look smaller than the Gombak river. Perhaps the latter adds volumes to the downriver portion after where the 'muddy estuary' or original Kuala Lumpur lies?
Al-Rasyid and the orchid farm
After the wedding my parents followed us home to Bandar Tasik Puteri. We spent the following day indoors just watching movies and television. It was only on Sunday that we went out. As usual whenever they slept over at our house, they wanted us to bring them to the orchard farm just 6 km away from our house.
Here's a picture of Al-Rasyid standing at one part. Otherwise I have to chase him around as he weaved in and out the rows of flower ports, stopping only at the back to play with the terappins and turtles. If I remember correctly this is the first time we went here since Al-Rasyid started to walk at 10 months old, 5 months ago. Since then my parents have slept over once or twice but we were then busy with other things, no time to visit the farm.

My parents love plants and flowers. Being former government servants they practically spent all their time on gardening since retiring at the age of 55 and 57 (my father took 2 years extended work). Both are now turning 69. My wife and I are well-pleased to be able to bring them around and make them happy what more with Al-Rasyid healthily walking or rather running around amusing them too. Look also at the old article Of orchids and old college memories....
Al-Rasyid's antics at a cousin's wedding...
So that article was ended with a snap of my beloved big bike taken on Friday. That night I brought the wife and our 1 year 3 months old baby Al-Rasyid to attend a cousin's wedding.

A wedding on top a hill in Janda Baik
The bride's home wedding reception on Saturday
The lavish night reception at Shangri-La
The cousin's reception...
The bride's wedding reception in Singapura
The groom's turn for reception
Hmm. I thought I've already did a piece on another cousin's wedding to a New Zealander who lives in Australia held at Damansara Heights towards the end of 2009. I found it to be very eventful not because of the lavishness or presence of VIPs and VVIPs or guests from abroad but because almost all members of my extended extended family (4 generations descended from a great-grandfather) managed to make it. As far as I could remember that was the first time in years we managed to gather such a quorum of relatives...
A relaxing afternoon at Batu Arang
Thursday afternoon Jan 6th 2011, after 2 days returning from the East Coast I took my trusty bike around the small town of Batu Arang and saw a little pasar malam, the periodical night market just starting then. Living at the residential area of Bandar Tasik Puteri just 3 km from this town and often stopping by for meal and drinks or just simply riding if not driving I was surprised to see this. Maybe I've never came at the right time but this is the first time since staying nearby for about 2 years and 2 months that I noticed a pasar malam there.

For more on Batu Arang read The lakes at Batu Arang and The lake I've just discovered near my house..... Look also at the article Visiting the Chimney at Tanjung Kubong. While it is not about the town of Batu Arang, is is about batu arang as the commodity (batu arang = coal) and also about chimneys...