Peace be upon you all. Today I would like to recount back a recent reunion held between my old school mates from Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor (Johor Secondary Science School). Come! :]
Friday night 1st of January 2010, 8 pm or so. Me, wife and our little baby arrived at the reunion venue where plenty of old friends were already waiting...
The reunion itself started at 6 pm. But me and wife got a number of things to settle first at our home. Besides the venue is 50 km away...

It's been a while since I met some of the guys. Some I did met at a family reunion held in Melaka 1 st May 2009 (see
Reunion of SMSJ (Johor Science School) batch SPM 1987 in Melaka). But there were others I havent seen since leaving school in 1986!

As far as I could see, all of those present here left school after the SPM examinations at the end of 1987. I was among the few who had to leave earlier because of disciplinary problems.

Anyway we were all born in the year 1970. That is why this particular reunion is so special. Because in 2010 we are all going to be 40-years-old albeit at different times due to our different birthdates. Admittedly there are at least two who turned 40 on 1st Jan. But none of them were present because of certain obstructions. I understand one, Azmi Bachok @ Topoi has been stationed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for years. So he could not make it here.

Just in case anybody is wondering where this reunion was held. Perhaps the pix above could answer the question?

Yes, it was held at a petrol kiosk owned by our friend Sam who recently became a Haji along with his wife Raha (now Hajjah), also from the same school and batch...

Actually this was never planned to be a reunion. It's just that Sam has just returned from performing the Hajj in Mecca and so did another schoolmate Muzaffar with his family. Having enjoyed some sumptous lamb meals in Arabia, they asked some of us to join a dinner at one of the Arab restaurants in Cyberjaya back in Malaysia...

The invitation which was aired and discussed in our e-mail list got many interested. The number of those who would commit soon swelled pass 20 and it was decided Sam's petrol kiosk in Cheras would be the best place for everyone to meet and recall old times...

And so here's the final count. Let me try to list the names (or nicknames) of schoolmates who attended, from the top of my head ya...
1. Haji Sam
2. Haji Muzaffar
3. Adrian
4. Mamu
5. Amali
6. Shuhaimi
7. Lawi
8. Zaidi
9. Zul Mid
10. Saini Sintut
11. Azhar Kerang
12. Hafizi
13. Zafarin
14. Acul
15. Zaid
16. Faris
17. Jamil
18. Tajuddin
19. Boon Wah
20. Zulsafari
21. Mackay
22. Azreen
23. Lokman
24. Myself of course...
As for the girls they are...
1. Hajah Raha
2. Yana
3. Rozita
4. Aim
5. Nik Habsah
6. Foo Siang Mun
7. Hazlin
8. Nazirah
There... a total of 32 names. I hope I didn't miss anyone.
Anyway having 32 names listed for the upon reaching 40 reunion (it's not the 40th reunion ya... I don't think any of us has made any significant gathering for even 10 times) is indeed a superb achievement. Just compare to the family reunion held in Melaka on 1st May. That one was planned for months and we had a total of 20 names. This one was planned ad-hoc just about 2 weeks ago and we managed to have more than 30! Must be the blessings due to the Hajj...

Why, we even had a little jamming session with Sam, Boon Wah and me on the guitars. See the red electric guitar? That's my Washburn bought in 1992 during my UK days. Thanks to Adrian and Hazlin for also contributing to the vocals. For more pix (there' plenty of it) please check with our official cameraman, Adrian. He has already posted it in his facebook. Check the account Ad Rian. Cheers all! :]
Salam Radzi aka fly aka pengkor (wonder if there's anymore aka that I don't know),
Thanks for d lovely postings on our reunion. It was really great to see all our good old Frens (n of coz ur lovely Wifey Fida n baby Al Rasyid).
Nothing beats such beautiful frenship created since we were barely 13, right. I'm very proud of it n I hope all my other Frens feel d same too. May these frenships last forever InsyaAllah.
Wassalam Lin. Two more akas, Abang G (that's what my cousins call me) and MerahSilu (on-line name). To be honest, when I think about the beautiful friendships from those days, I would become speechless. That's when I would be reduced to just staring at the proceedings while in my heart I'm actually crying in happiness and thankfulness.
Again I'd like to say thank you everyone for being friends. You can become the most succesful highflier in town or just another street bum. What matters at the end of the day are sincere family members and friends who take you as what you are. Cheerio! :]
Thank you for capturing this beautiful memory in your journal. What is human without memory to cherish? Memory builds and shapes us, in times of need, we use it to guide us. In times of joy, we use it to brighten up our day. In times of sadness, we use it to find the light that will guide us out of darkness. Good to see you again. Your long hair suits you. Cheers, SM
My pleasure! :]
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