Next we went to Kampung Raja, Pagoh where lies the tomb of ruler of Melaka known as Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah (ruled 1477-1488 AD).
The last time we paid visit was about half a year ago.
This time we noticed a very good change.
The inscriptions on the tombs made in the Arabic language and writing have been coloured gold making it easier to read and recognise.
Please refer and compare with the pictures shown in the article Batu-batu nesan di makam Sultan Alauddin Melaka (Tombstones at the tomb of Sultan Alauddin of Melaka) made in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) 5 months ago.
The 4 tombstone and each 2 faces and 2 sides of every tombstone are presented here exactly in the same order as in the old article for easy reference.

Note: 3 am 19 September 2011. I've just noticed I've only put pictures from 3 tombstones instead of 4 as it should be. So below are the pictures from the 4th tombstone ya. Cheers! :]

Salam Abg Radzi,
Gambar nesan ke-2 terakhir tu adalah ayat Kursi dari mula:
Allahu La ilaha illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyum ...sehingga Ya' lamu ma baina ..
-menurut pembacaan penglihatan saya, salah silpa mohon ampun maaf-
gambar yang ke empat terakhir pula adalah sambungan dari gambar kedua terakhir sehingga tamat ayat kursi. Wallahu A'lam.
Wassalam. Mekasih. Memang ada nampak macam Ayat Kursi tapi tak tahu le nak cakap. Ni kena tunggu pakar khat bersuara ni.
Apapun baru saya sedar saya cuma meletakkan gambar dari 3 buah batu nesan sahaja (setiap nesan ada muka depan, muka belakang dan pandangan sisi kiri dan kanan). Kena tambah lagi satu set gambar. Adapun aturan yang digunakan serupa seperti pernah disuakan pada artikel ini...
OK. Tambah gambar ni... :]
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