So we have touched on a few places in Selangor and Perak. Now comes the time to return to the stories on Brunei. Without much further ado, let's continue from
Views from the jetty at Muara.
In the last article on Brunei I said we went to the jetty at Muara but didn't say why. I simply put some pictures of the views around with some explanation. Well, actually we wanted to take the ferry to the island of Labuan. Here's a view inside the ferry.

Wife and baby Al-Rasyid.

View of the waters at the jetty from inside the ferry.

Ferry on the move.

OK. Some of you might know that Labuan is a federal territory of Malaysia. So how come this article is part of the Brunei stories?

Well, for one we went to Labuan within the bounds of our trip to Brunei. Remember, from Peninsular Malaysia we have to travel quite a distance across the South China Sea to reach Brunei. Kuala Lumpur and the airport at KLIA is some 1,500 km from the Brunei capital of Bandar Seri Begawan. The island of Labuan on the other hand is just 30 km from the jetty of Muara. Besides Labuan was once part of the kingdom of Brunei.
Here's a view as we passed the embankment extending out of the waters of Muara. Refer to the article
Mouth of the Brunei bay/sub-bay?. After that it's just the open waters of Brunei Bay and South China Sea...

About an hour later we could see what looks like part of a port.

Ah... we have arrived at Labuan.

What a refreshing sight to be able to get out after a total of one and a half hour being cooped up inside the ferry.

Now it's time to explore what this island has to offer.
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