Just when I thought it's time to quit the blog for the day, suddenly I realised how to load photos inside the postings here... As always, I tend to "receive" ideas out of the blue on how to make things happen when at the point of giving up. So by the grace of God, here's a picture of the Malay novel, "Berpetualang ke Aceh", translated literally "The Trip to Aceh". The book is based on real-life experience searching for answers to the meaning of existence and being, hence the Malay subtitle "Mencari diri dan erti"... "Looking for self and meaning". Set against the background of a trip made to Aceh before the Tsunami of 26 December 2004 when foreigners are not allowed in the very-troubled region, in-fighting between the Indonesian army and Aceh separatist group still rife where one can easily lose one's life, it tries to blend some 1,200 years of history, official and off-the-record stories relating Aceh to the Malay archipelago and even the Middle East.
It is a story of self-discovery as the main character Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid tries to understand the message behind his deja vus and dreams that became real in time... And lo behold, he uncovered deep-hidden history relating the old Islamic saints to the Malay royalties and the Ahlul Bait, the family and descendants of our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallahualaiwasallam. In fact the whole thing turns out to be related to some end-time propechies regarding the fate of mankind an re-emergence of Islam from the East!
The 300-page book, size of an A5 paper (practically A4 folded half) published privately under the company name Wasilah Merah Silu Enterprise cost RM24.90 each and is available at selected stores around the nation especially at MPH and Popular Bookstores.
God willing, in time I will try to publish the English translations of excerpts from the book here in this blogspot. Perhaps that will pave the way for an English translation soon? Furthemore quiet plenty of people has been asking for it, saying it would benefit more people and reach global audience. So pray for me guys n wish me luck OK... Thanks... :]
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