Satellite pix of Muar river with terrain simulation courtesy of Google Earth. In the background could be seen the famous mystical mountain, Gunung Ledang...
There. After spending plenty of solid hours preparing maps with pointers, gathering materials including links to the relevant articles in fact making quite a number of amendments today after having posted earlier resulting stories last night till early morning only could I make this closing story on the subject of "Fascination for rivers". If yesterday I have chosen 26 rivers along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia to be listed today I've added another 4 and thus have to make the necessary changes and addition to both the maps and stories. I've also made an article gathering past stories on a river in Aceh and 2 in Brunei. This should be complete for now and God willing I will add stories on other rivers in the future before putting it directly on the sidebar. Do have a look at what is currently being featured though. Here are the links to the articles created. For the record this is the 636th article in this blogspot.
1. Fascination with rivers - Intro
2. Fascination with rivers - North East Coast
3. Fascination with rivers - Middle West Coast
4. Fascination with rivers – the South
5. Fascination with rivers - the East Coast
6. Fascination with rivers - other places