In between Kuala Klawang and Seremban, we stopped at a small town called Pantai for a late lunch... A very late lunch. The time then was over 4pm and our stomach was really growling...
Right in front of the stall where we stopped at, there's this rather interesting mosque and so we decided to have a look. A few pictures of it were posted in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) , under the article Masjid (mosque of) Pantai, Negeri Sembilan...
The journey then continues... Upon entering the outskirts of Seremban, we saw these rather curious monuments pointing the way to a certain place. So we stopped and paid a visit. More pictures were posted in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU under the title Funfair ke alam barzakh? ...
Not far down the road, we saw this mosque. We stopped here to take a shower... Our bodies then felt very sticky from all the sweat accumulated from all the travel during the day. Besides we haven't done our daylight prayers...
Soon enough, we arrived at our intended destination in Seremban... That of the tomb of a venerable religious scholar said to be a saint known as Sheikh Muhammad Said al-Linggi. For the story, read the article Makam (tomb of) Sheikh Muhammad Said Linggi in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) ...
We left Seremban at around 6pm or so and rushed to our destination somewhere in Rembau. We thought we could reach it before dusk as the town of Rembau should be around 30km away from Seremban...
Then again, we forgot to factor in the traffic. Besides, although our destination do lie in the district of Rembau, it is still some 20km further away from the town of Rembau. So if the scene in the picture taken upon arriving at the town looked dark enough, imagine how it looks like when we finally got to the place!
Here it is, our next destination and the last for the day, in fact the last for this trip to Negeri Sembilan... At least we arrived there safely, that is at the tomb of Raja Melewar despite not knowing it's actually location, relying only on the sign-boards showing the way and asking the locals for direction...
So who is Raja Melewar? Do have a look at the relevant posting in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) , under the name Ziarah ke makam Raja Melewar waktu malam (Visit to the tomb of Raja Melewar at night!)
For the record, I've visited many tombs at night and alone too, whenever I feel like it. But this is the first time ever I decided to take pictures in the dark... In fact there's video clips on it, to be posted in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU soon after completing this article... Do have a look and relish visiting the tomb of an olden king in the darkness!
Somewhere not far from the tomb, we stopped at a mosque for the night prayers. Then off we went heading back to Kuala Lumpur... On the way we saw this signboard... Decided to snap a picture because of the funny way the word "Bongek" sounds. That's all ya... Cheers! :]