This is from the most recent weekend...

Saturday 9th April 2011 I went to Putrajaya again and decided to check the Millenium Tower.
On my first visit here almost a month earlier I've found out that it has a nice collection of historical murals etched on glass panels.

But the previous visit was made at night. While one could see and read what's available clearly as it has backlight I'm afraid I couldn't catch much on photo. So I made a sort of vow. One day I would come here when it is bright and take pictures of every panel of glass etched with history.
So there I was on Saturday snapping pictures of the panels starting with this.

It practically sketched the relevant history leading to the creation of Malaysia starting with the formation of the Malay kingdom of Melaka said to have happened in the year 1400AD.

OK. I did take pictures of all the panels and my manual counting showed it amounts to 143 pictures. So I'm afraid I can't show it all here as it is just too much work downsizing the picture files to decent downloadable and readable size and too much time spent on uploading if I want to show all.

So let me show the parts that I feel are most relevant ya. As how to view it closely in detail I leave it up to you dear readers to find a way. Clue... open in new windows or/and save the files where you can then zoom the pictures to a good size.
OK. I think the best way is to open the pictures or copy it inside Paint and then invert the colours. That way the text would stand out better. Good luck! :]
I have been planning to visit the tower, but unfortunately, whenever I was in Putrajaya, never got any chances yet. By the way, did you know any stories related to the tower? It is an obelisk, isn't? Well, some stories that I read relate it to the Freemason movements.Do you know any?
Yes it is an obelisk. And yes it is used by Freemasons and the Illuminati. But to say it is exclusively their symbol is wrong. It is like the swastika symbol used by Nazi Germans of World War II. While in modern times it is popularised by the Germans it is actually an ancient Sanskrit symbol of power.
The obelish and the pyramid is like that. It is ancient symbols of power. It doesn't belong to the Jews or Zionist but their usage nowadays is popularised by them. So there...
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