Excursion from the Brunei stories. Early this month I wrote a number of articles regarding a cousin's wedding :-
The bride's home wedding reception on Saturday
My first taste of a Chinese tea ceremony for newly-weds...
The antics at the Shangri-La penthouse
The lavish night reception at Shangri-La
OK. I must say this. Referring to the lavish night reception... contrary to the impression that some parties might give to make others think they are the rich folks and well-connected ones, that reception was actually a join effort, not just the bride's. That means the cost were shared and both sides of the family have important luminaries as guests. In fact I'd dare say throughout the weekend's many functions, my side of the family footed most of the bill.
Now comes the next and last function, the groom's wedding reception held over the recent weekend fully funded by the groom's family with the help of our extended family (sorry if I have to mention this). With due respect to my cousin and his mother my beloved auntie, I must say there are certain aspects of the whole affair that bugs me. Just because our family love our kampung Malay roots does not mean we lack sophistication and thus could be dismissed aside by those who thinks they are more glamorous and of higher status. Mind you... if you have to define status and respect by wealth then I must stress that our family is OLD MONEY. The generation after our immediate grandfather might have to start all over again because of fortunes lost during the period of turmoils after World War I and World War II but we actually came from a line of nobles and royalty.
For those who couldn't understand the significance of this, therein lies the difference. There are those who became rich only after the DEB (New Economic Policy) begans to show its fruits in the 1980s and I've seen many of them trying to conceal their kampung roots for fear of losing their artificially acquired air of sophistication and taste. Well, for those who already have fortune and status for many many generations that is not the case. Having been really well-bred generation after generation (not well-bred as in the term created by the plastic new upper class of the 20th century as defined by capitalism of which snobbery is considered a part), they have certain qualities which become part of the blood, a certain confidence and dignity which does not need appearance of wealth, a character which makes them comfortable sitting among the lowest level of society without feeling diminished even a bit.
There I've said my mind. On the the subject at hand, the groom's wedding reception and here, the preparation...

The night before reception our extended family were busy helping out with the final touch...

We decided to do this at an auntie's place in Ampang as it was closest to Dewan (hall of) Merak Kayangan where the reception would be held.

Another auntie, the groom's mum (not in pix) then said, why don't someone take pictures for posterity. So I started snapping a few. I'm sorry auntie if I've lashed a few words at the start of this article. It's just I'm pissed off at certain things I saw, things which I consider as lack of respect for our family. Obviously a well-bred person should know how to respect others and not just expect others to give them respect. Then again I'm the vocal rebel who tends to kick out protocols (do I need to mention my father's full royal lineage to justify my actions? Now I'm being snobbish, but only in the face of others' snobbery). Sorry again...

In the wee hours of the morning we have to check out the hall...

While sure there were paid workers preparing for the reception, we as a family needed to do our part to make sure it was an affair to remember.

For one it has always been in our family spirit and tradition to dirty our hands and help out each other as much as we can. Just because some of us are bigshots doesn't mean to we have to pay workers to get everything done.

There. One more look before we call it a day.

Morning after we came in early to make some last minute checks.

Look's like the hall is already well-prepared to receive visitors...

One-year-old Al-Rasyid making inspection, hehe...

There. He agreed that we were ready to rock and roll...

Oh. Inside one of the rooms it seems the goodies were still being prepared.

Anyway before noon we were all ready for action. To be continued...
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