Another intermission...
I'll bet that all Malay readers or those who knows a bit of Malay history and folklore have heard about the magical kris or Malay wavy blade known as Taming Sari. Tonight, I've just found Wikipedia's take on the matter which includes an information I have no idea has ever existed before. Now, I know that Wikipedia is open to suggestions if not meddlings from anybody who wish to put information, or rather their ideas or own version of 'information' making it susceptible to propagandas by parties with vested interest. But at least for prosperity's sake, let me copy and paste it here lock stock and barrel.
It happens that I am a fifth generation direct descendant of Laksamana Muhammad Amin. Do have a look at the old articles The return of Admiral Muhammad Amin's remains to the royal mausoleum of Perak and In Perak's royal mausoleum to give justice to Laksamana Raja Mahkota Muhammad Amin . Below is the article on Taming Sari in Wikipedia (refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taming_Sari) . Let me highlight the sentences which have astounded me. For the record, this is the 360th article or posting in this blogspot. This reminds me of the 360 degrees in a circle, a full turn or so...
According to legend, Hang Tuah, in the end, gave this Keris to Tun Mamat to be returned to Sultan Mahmud Shah 1488-1511 when he failed to bring back the Princess from Gunung Ledang. The Sultan had sent him there to bring the mythical Princess back to Malacca to be his queen. Hang Tuah then disappeared and was never seen or heard of again. Another version of the legend has it that Hang Tuah had thrown the keris into the river, saying that he would return when the keris re-appeared. This has led some to believe that the real Taming Sari has disappeared, like the legend of the sword Excalibur.
It is unique in that it is made of twenty-one different types of metal- supposedly metal leftover from the forging of the bolts of the holy Ka'aba. It was said that Taming Sari could do Hang Tuah's fighting for him - if Hang Tuah was menaced or in any danger, the keris would leap out of its sheath, fly through the air and attack the assailant. The whole of the sampir and batang are covered in gold leaf. The keris is classified as a keris gabus or keris terapang.
The kris still exists today and is part of the royal regalia of Sultan Azlan Shah, the Sultan of Perak, Malaysia.
Before the Taming Sari became part of the Perak Royalty's regalia, it is believed to have been a hereditary article of the family of the Laksamana (Navy Admiral) who for generations, through succession, ruled as the territorial chief of Hilir Perak.
It is believed that the last territorial chief who had the famed keris in his possession was Laksamana Mohd Amin Alang Duakap. In 1876, he was arrested alongside many other rich aristocrats of his time for the alleged involvement in the murder of the first British Resident, James W.W. Birch. Together with Datuk Shahbandar Uda Kediti (the territorial chief of Kerian), Sultan Abdullah (the reigning Perak monarch of the time) and Menteri Paduka Ngah Ibrahim (the famous administrator of tin-rich Larut), Laksamana Mohd Amin was banished to the Seychelles.
After that, the British administration in Perak seized the properties of the territorial chiefs involved and these included the Taming Sari. However, the Sultan Yussuf, who succeeded the banished Sultan Abdullah, persuaded the British not to take the keris away to England[citation needed] and managed to gain possession of the keris.
However,historians believe that the real Taming Sari is still missing similar to the legend of Excalibur.
Salam Saudara Radzi,
Menurut cerita dari yang empunya cerita, Keris Taming Sari ada kembarnya.
Sebilah Keris yang setaraf dengannya, dipertapakan selama seribu tahun.
Nama Keris tidak diberitahu tetapi setelah dirujuk kepada orang bijak pandai, nama Keris tersebut adalah Keris Bima Sakti.
banyak rahsia dalam rahsia makin terbuka dengan adanya alam maya ini.
adakah alam maya ini dianggap satu alam yang boleh ditembusi oleh sesiapa dengan kelajuan sepantanas cahaya ?
sekadar berilusi.
Sebenarnya kita selalu melangkaui kelajuan cahaya tetapi tidak menyedarinya. Satu contoh adalah ketika melihat bintang2 di langit. Dalam ilmu sains astronomi ada disebut bintang paling dekat (selain matahari kita) iaitu Alpha Centauri adalah 4.3 tahun cahaya jauh dari kita. Satu tahun cahaya adalah bersamaan 1 (tahun) x 365.25 (hari dalam setahun) x 24 (jam dam sehari) x 60 (minit dalam sejam) x 60 (saat dalam seminit) x 300,000 km/saat (kelajuan cahaya per saat) = 9,467,280,000,000 km atau senang ditulis dalam sains dan dibulatkan sebagai 9.467 x 10^(kuasa)7 km. Sedangkan jarak antara bumi ke bulan pun tak sampai 400,000 km.
Itu jarak antara bintang terdekat dengan kita. Bintang2 lain ada yang terletak berpuluh hingga berjuta tahun cahaya dari kita juga antara satu sama lain namun kita melihat semuanya sekaligus di langit luas sana. Bukankah penglihatan kita sudah melangkaui kelajuan cahaya tanpa kita sedari ketika melihatnya?
Satu lagi adalah speed of thought atau kelajuan fikiran. Terbetik je fikiran kita boleh sampai ke London, Argentina, bulan malah bintang2 dengan sekelip mata walau bukan secara fizikal atau nyata. Bukankah itu boleh dikira melangkaui kelajuan cahaya juga?
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