Continuing the 'idle' January stories started with the article
A relaxing afternoon at Batu Arang.
So that article was ended with a snap of my beloved big bike taken on Friday. That night I brought the wife and our 1 year 3 months old baby Al-Rasyid to attend a cousin's wedding.

We immediately went to a private room reserved for family members.

Held at Shah Alam's Concorde Hotel, it was quite a grand affair.

For Al-Rasyid however it was just something that aroused his curiosity to explore.

Mind you from the private room behind the main hall which is separated by another section also full of tables and guests he managed to weave his way around more than 100 metres to the stage.

Perhaps it is his own instincts, perhaps it's a chip off the old block. He found the going-ons amusing without a thought to all the looking eyes.

Being a grand affair of course they have a number of well-heeled guests and many conscious of protocols and appearance of what such people thought are good manners that shows one is well-raised up the ranks, allegedly. Well, not baby Al-Rasyid and not me. We (at least me) knows where we came from. And no that's not from the gutters. Where our family really came from, it is the so-called VIPs and VVIPs who have to bow down their heads in total humility and submission as we do what we want to do without caring for the commoners' protocols and artificial concerns (sorry, that's the old rebel me giving the snob speech against today's rampant snobs created by the capitalistic system)...

Al-Rasyid playing the thoughtful and discerning observer. Hopefully he'll develop my natural ears and taste for a wide variety of music and not pretend to like classical because it makes one looks upper-class, again allegedly...

Why, he was so comfortable with the scene that he climbed up the stage many times and I had to pull him down. At one stage (pun unintended...) he tried to join the performers and a male singer picked him up and continued routine with Al-Rasyid in arms for some 2 minutes! I thought I got it on video only to realise that I have pushed the wrong button on my camera. So there, no record of that but many still noticed. In fact my mum who was watching the proceedings from the big screen inside the private room thought it was me who carried and danced with Al-Rasyid on stage. No surprises for her if I actually did that...

Al-Rasyid posing one stage in-between shows. For more stories on weddings look at these old articles...
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