To dear readers, if you find anything funny in this posting and the one below, than please take note of the explanation given in the other posting. Otherwise, ignore it as a glib in the fabric of space and time. Here goes...
Since it is already past 12am, officially today is the second-day I started blogging. That means I can say something here without contravening my rather superstitious rule of starting most endeavours in odd number of times (as in the 5 posting I made yesterday, he! he!).
Actually I'm not ready to say anything new yet but it seems I MUST make this posting. Why? Because I had to edit the article called "Trip To Aceh" as the picture of the book "Berpetualang ke Aceh" presented with it had to be resized so that the items on the top right-hand side (blogger's profile, links and such) can return to its rightful places. (The order somewhat went awry when I blow-up the picture to my heart's content... So there!)
In turn, the picture became so small that it is practically impossible to read the details. So I decided to solve the problem by breaking it into two parts - the front and back covers.
So here we are... The front cover on top, the back below.... Have a look
(Actually I had to delete this posting after copying the text to Word... Because it appeared after the article Kiss This Too! just because I made this one earlier, regardless of the fact that I kept it first as a draft... So I end up having to represent this back as a new posting with the text recopied from Word back to this blogspot... Ha! Ha! Ha!)
p/s: Yes... I admit, I'm trying to promote the book "Berpetualang ke Aceh" OK... It's not easy being the writer, editor, lay-out master, the crude artist, page and cover designer and the publisher too all rolled in own... Especially when you have been out of touch of the usual 9 to 5 working drill and whole civilisation thing for ages, having spent the last 5 years mostly travelling to strange places like old tombs and certain spots within the jungle in search for peace and answer. So give me a break willya...
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