Peace be upon you all. To commemorate tonight which has already entered the 1st Syawal of 1430 of the Hijriah year of the Islamic calender and the fact that the phase of story-telling regarding the trip to Aceh 15-22 June 2009 has already been completed recently, let all the links to the articles regarding the trip be presented here for the conveniece of readers ya.
To make it easy to follow what has happened as and when it has happened I'll combined entries from all my three blogspots CATATAN SI MERAH SILU , BERPETUALANG KE ACEH and SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) in the best order which I could present. Hopefully it will make a good read (or re-read) even though you might have followed it from the start. For now you have the benefit of hindsight and everything already laid out as God wanted.
Here also I would like to say happy celebrating Hari Raya to all faithful readers of this blogspot. I beg your pardon and forgiveness for me and my whole family for any mistakes made intentionally or without us realising it. May we all receive blessings from this holy festive month. For the record this is the 383rd article in this blogspot. Good night! :]
Monday 15th June
1. The flight to Aceh...
2. Sampai ke Aceh setelah 5 tahun 5 bulan menunggu! Rupa-rupanya ada faktor 131 di sini...
3. Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Baiturrahman, Aceh
4. Gunongan...
5. Masjid (mosque of) Baiturrahim, Aceh
6. Muzium (Museum of) Aceh dan loceng (and the bell of) Cakra Donya
7. Rumah tradisional Aceh (Aceh traditional house)
8. Makam Raja-raja Dinasti Bugis (the tomb of kings from the Bugis dynasty)
9. Kompleks makam Meuh (Meuh tombs complex)
10. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Iskandar Muda?
Tuesday 16th June
1. Views of Aceh from our hotel early morning...
2. Makam (tomb of) Syiah Kuala
3. Views around the tomb of Syiah Kuala...
8. Dari Syiah Kuala keluar Banda Aceh... singgah di 'Anjung' juga di 'Kandang'...
9. Masjid (mosque of) Indrapuri...
17. Catching the sunset over the Indian Ocean at Lampuuk...
18. Masjid (mosque of) Rahmatullah, satu monumen tsunami Aceh (a tsunami monument of Aceh)
Wednesday 17th June
3. From Pekan Saree down to Sumatra's east coast...
4. From Pidie on to Bireuen
5. Masjid (mosque of) Beuracan
Thursday 18th June
1. Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Langsa
2. Menara hadapan Masjid Raya Langsa (The tower in front the main mosque of Langsa)
3. Makam Teuku Langsa (Tombs of the Teuku of Langsa)
6. Rural Perlak, the seat of a powerful ancient Islamic kingdom!
7. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah
10. From Perlak to Geudong, seat of the powerful twin ancient kingdoms of Samudera and Pasai!
11. Makam (tomb of) Sultan Malikus Salih!
Friday 19th June
5. Enjoying Aceh traditional dance by crashing a private function... (this one has videos)
Saturday 20th June
7. Walking to Malahayati's fortress, the Benteng Inong Balee...
8. Benteng (fortress of) Inong Balee, satu peninggalan (a legacy of) Laksamana Malahayati
9. One more fortress to go, Benteng Iskandar Muda...
11. Benteng Laksamana Malahayati, kerajaan lama Lamuri dan satu rahsia yang tersembunyi...
12. Makam (tomb of) Teuku Nyak Arif
13. Masjid (Mosque of) Hidayatul Islam
14. Masjid hadapan Taman Pahlawan (Mosque in front of Taman Makam Pahlawan, the warriors' tomb park), Banda Aceh
Sunday 21st June
2. Enjoying some more Aceh traditional shows, this time as VIP guests at a political rally function... (videos available!)
Closing, Monday 22th June
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